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As part of the modernization of the supervision of the insurance and social welfare sector and with a view to greater convergence towards international norms and standards of supervision, The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare (ACAPS) was created by the law n ° 64-12 promulgated on March 2014.

This law took effect from the date of the effective functioning of the Authority's bodies in April 2016, after the appointment of the Chairman in February 2016 and the holding of the 1st Board in April 2016. The aforementioned Law no. 64-12 is composed of VI titles:

  • Title I contains the provisions relating to the establishment of ACAPS, determines its status, its missions, the extent of its control and the ways and means of its organization and operation, including its bodies (President and Board) and the advisory bodies (Disciplinary Committee and Regulatory Commission)

  • Title II establishes a new legal framework for the exercise and management of pension operations that operate on a distribution or distribution and capitalization basis by private sector organizations with the aim of broadening the base of beneficiaries to cover individuals who do not currently have a pension cover or those who wish to constitute a pension complementary to that offered by the existing basic pension plans

  • Titles III, IV and V are respectively devoted to the standardization of the provisions of Law No. 17-99 on the Insurance Code, Law No. 65-00 on the Code of Basic Medical Coverage and the Dahir Law No. 1-73-366 on export insurance, with the requirements of the autonomy of the supervisory authority of insurance and social welfare

  • Title VI deals with certain transitional provisions.

Law No. 64.12

Insurances Supervision and Social Welfare Authority was constituted under the Act No. 64.12, This Act entered into force as of the date of the effective start of the Authority’s bodies in April 2016 after appointing the President in February 2016 and holding the first meeting of the Board in April 2016. Said Act comprises IV chapters.

Loi 64.12 portant création de l'Autorité

L'Autorité de Contrôle des Assurances et de la Prévoyance Sociale a été instituée par la Loi 64.12. Cette loi a pris effet à compter de la date d’entrée en fonction effective des organes de l’Autorité en avril 2016 et ce, après la nomination du Président en février 2016 et la tenue du 1er Conseil en avril 2016. 

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