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Being independent, ACAPS relies on a governance system that revolves around the Board, the President of ACAPS and advisory bodies.

The Board of ACAPS sets the general policy and deliberates on the main strategic, organizational and financial orientations. Among the powers conferred on the Board are the decision-making power regarding the granting of approval to the insurance and reinsurance companies and the approval of the statutes of the Social Welfare organizations.

It also makes decisions on the main sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to establishments subject to the supervision of ACAPS.

Abderrahim CHAFFAI


Mrs. Nezha HAYAT

President of the Moroccan Capital Markets Authority (AMMC), member

Mrs. Faouzia ZAABOUL

Director of Treasury and External Finance, member

Mrs. Fatima EL GHAZI

Adviser to the Court of Cassation, member

M. Mohamed AGOUMI

Independent member


Independent member

Mrs. Saloua KARKRI

Independent member


Government Commissioner


Internal rules of the Authority's Board

Internal rules of the audit and risk committee

Missions of the Authority's Board

The Chairman ensures the proper functioning of ACAPS and the proper implementation of decisions made by the Board. After consulting the advisory bodies, he takes the necessary circulars to carry out the missions of ACAPS and makes all the decisions of sanctioning within the limits of his powers.


The regulatory commission, is in charge of giving the President an advisory opinion on drafts circulars of ACAPS and the legislative or regulatory drafts related to its field of intervention. It also provides opinions on the applications for approval submitted by the insurance and reinsurance companies, as well as applications for approval of the statutes submitted by pension funds and mutual insurance companies.

Composition of the Regulatory Commission

Internal rules of the Regulatory Commission

The Disciplinary Commission is in charge of giving the President of the Authority an advisory opinion on certain sanctions and on recovery plans submitted by insurance companies and the recovery or restoration plans submitted by pension funds.

Composition of the Disciplinary Commission

Internal rules of the Disciplinary Commission

Attachment no. 1 to the internal rules of the Disciplinary Commission

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