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ACAPS represents the Kingdom of Morocco in the main international bodies in the fields of insurance and social welfare.

International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)

The Authority is an active member of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), an association with nearly 200 jurisdictions covering almost 97% of insurance premiums worldwide. The IAIS is the standard setting body at the international level. It defines the standards applicable to the supervision, insurance sector players and the insurance markets. It also oversees their implementation within the different jurisdictions. IAIS is a member of the Financial Stability Board.

The Authority actively participates in the IAIS. ACAPS is a member of the Executive Committee, representing the MENA region, member of the Audit and Risks Committee and the Implementation & Assessment Committee. The Authority participates in the different events and seminars of the IAIS.

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Arab Union of Insurance Supervisors (AUIS)

At the regional level, the Authority is an active member of the Arab Union of Insurance Supervisors (AUIS). AUIS replaces the Arab Forum of Insurance Regulatory Commissions (AFIRC) which, at its General Assembly held in Marrakech on 4 December 2019, adopted the transition from a Forum to a Union with legal personality and headquarters in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.

The Authority assumed the Presidency of the AFIRC between 2015 and 2018 before handing it over to the Insurance Authority of the United Arab Emirates.

The Authority participates in the work of the UAIS to enhance cooperation among its members and to promote transparency and best practices in the insurance industry in the region.

International Social Security Association (ISSA)

The Authority is a member of the International Social Security Association (ISSA). This leading international organization, which brings together social security institutions and bodies, has the role of promoting and developing social security throughout the world. The mandate of this association, comprising 150 countries and 320 organizations, covers the promotion of best practices in the administration of social security, knowledge sharing as well as assistance and support services to its members.

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The Sustainable Insurance Forum (SIF)

Aware of the need to include environmental issues and sustainable development in the principles governing its activity, the Authority was among the founding members of the "Sustainable Insurance Forum - SIF".

Initiated by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the California Department of Insurance Supervision (USA), the purpose of the SIF is to promote cooperation between the various international regulators, so that they can implement the most appropriate responses to the challenges of sustainable development, while ensuring development opportunities for the insurance sector.

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International Organization of Pension Supervisors (IOPS)

IOPS is an independent organization bringing together supervisors from about eighty countries of all economy levels. This organization aims at:
  • Determining international standards;
  • Promoting best practices in terms of supervising private pensions;
  • Encouraging international cooperation;
  • Providing a space for exchanging information.

IOPS works in close cooperation with other international organizations that are concerned with pension issues: IAIS, IMF and World Bank. OCDE is in charge of the secretariat. ACAPS became a member in 2017.

The Organization of African Insurance Supervisory Authorities (OAISA)

The Organization of African Insurance Supervisory Authorities OAISA (EX 3ACA), based in Yaoundé in the Republic of Cameroon, was born from the desire of the African States to establish a common working platform on the continent, with a view to better defending the interests of policyholders and beneficiaries of insurance policies, and developing a process for harmonizing insurance legislation in line with internationally recognized standards.

The OAISA has set three main objectives :

  • To promote cooperation among African Insurance Supervisory Authorities with a view to sharing experiences in the supervision of insurance markets;
  • To promote effective supervision of the insurance industry in Africa with a view to developing insurance markets for the benefit and protection of policyholders in accordance with internationally recognized standards (such as the IAIS Insurance Core Principles);
  • To contribute to the capacity building and skills-upgrading of insurance supervision in Africa;

It should be noted that ACAPS has been a member of this organization's executive committee since October 2018 at the meeting of its members held in Conakry. The Authority contributes fully to the work of the OAISA in order to benefit from a platform for exchanging views with its fellow African regulators.

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Group of French Speaking Insurance Supervisors – GCAF

L’Organisation des Autorités Africaines de Contrôle des Assurances O2ACA (EX 3ACA) dont le siège est situé à Yaoundé en République du Cameroun, est née de la volonté des États africains d’établir une plateforme de travail commune sur le continent, en vue de mieux défendre les intérêts des assurés et des bénéficiaires des contrats d’assurance et d’élaborer un processus d’harmonisation de la législation relative aux assurances qui soit conforme aux normes internationalement reconnues.

L’O2ACA s’est fixé trois objectifs principaux :

  • Promouvoir la coopération entre les Autorités africaines de contrôle des assurances en vue de partager les expériences en matière de supervision des marchés d’assurances ;
  • Promouvoir une supervision efficace de l’industrie des assurances en Afrique en vue du développement des marchés d’assurances pour le bénéfice et la protection des assurés selon les normes internationalement reconnues (telles que les Principes de Bases de l’Assurance de l’AICA) ;
  • Contribuer au renforcement des capacités et à la montée en compétence du contrôle des assurances en Afrique ;

Il est à noter que l’ACAPS est membre du comité exécutif de cette organisation depuis octobre 2018 lors de la réunion de ses membres qui s’est tenue à Conakry. L’Autorité contribue pleinement aux travaux de l’O2ACA afin de bénéficier d’une tribune d’échange avec ses homologues régulateurs africains.

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