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The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare (ACAPS) stands as an innovative and forward-thinking institution, firmly committed to navigating a constantly evolving environment. Its primary mission is to ensure the protection of policyholders, affiliates of social welfare organizations, and beneficiaries of insurance contracts, while safeguarding the stability of the financial sector and the resilience of economic actors.


" To be an innovative and proactive authority in a changing environment, anticipating and adapting to emerging issues and challenges. "
ACAPS’ vision is anchored in effective supervision and agile regulation, fostering innovation, digital transformation, and sustainability. The authority places a strong emphasis on consumer protection and the resilience of the sectors it oversees, particularly in the face of economic, social, technological, and environmental transformations.

Strategic Directions 2024-2026

ACAPS' strategy for 2024-2026 is articulated around five key directions:

I. Enhancing protection for policyholders and affiliates of social welfare organizations

  • Promote best practices in the insurance and social welfare sectors and enhance the quality of services provided to policyholders and affiliates.
  • Continue contributing to the national roadmap for financial inclusion, developing public financial education, and raising awareness among regulated entities.

II. Evolving market regulation and conduct in the insurance sector, ensuring resilience and financial stability

  • Strengthen the framework governing market conduct and the distribution of insurance products.
  • Complete regulatory adjustments and consolidate both microprudential and macroprudential supervision of the insurance sector.
  • Adapt insurance sector supervision to emerging risks and reinforce measures against money laundering and terrorist financing (AML & CFT).

III. Promoting development and transformation in the insurance sector through digitalization, innovation, and sustainability

  • Identify and implement key levers to foster the development of the insurance sector, reduce coverage gaps, and diversify insurance offerings.
  • Promote and support innovation and digital transformation in the insurance sector, encouraging its sustainability and green finance initiatives.
  • Contribute to capacity-building for stakeholders in the insurance industry.

IV. Supporting the modernization of the social welfare sector and implementing major projects for expanded social protection and pension reform

  • Assist the mutual insurance sector in redefining its role amid the generalization of basic mandatory health insurance and contribute to its modernization.
  • Continue supporting the government in the rollout of universal social protection and pension reform.
  • Adapt the supervision of the social welfare sector to meet current and future needs.

V. Becoming an innovative, agile, and attractive authority aligned with digital transformation and open to its national and international environment

  • Modernize the authority’s management model, enhance human resources appeal, and further its digital transformation, including process reengineering and bolstering cyber resilience.
  • Develop targeted communication strategies, enhance the authority’s public image, and expand international cooperation.

Download the ACAPS strategic plan 2024-2026

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