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The Authority exercises its supervision, in accordance with the Insurance Code, on insurance and reinsurance companies.

The prudential supervision of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies operated by ACAPS is based on two types of missions : monitoring and inspection. By monitoring the solvency of operators, the Authority ensures that the financial situation of these operators allows them at any time to meet commitments made to policyholders.

This monitoring aims to analyze in depth the activities and risk exposures, and the capacity of the obliged bodies to honor their commitments. The monitoring may also be of a preventive nature, it helps in the detection of the risks incurred by a company and to implement the appropriate solutions.

Inspired by international standards, the monitoring is carried out as follows:

  • Based on documents: There are documents for which the production is prescribed by the insurance regulations and others that are requested by the Authority depending on the needs of each inspection and monitoring mission
  • On site, by sworn agents of the Authority. The agents may, at any time, check and supervise the insurance operations carried out by the obliged entities. They have access to all the information necessary for their missions of monitoring.

Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and their managers incur penal, pecuniary or disciplinary sanctions imposed by the Authority depending on the severity of any breach of the provisions provided for by the regulations in force.

2017 supervision results

Insurances sector is supervised by the Authority through onsite supervision missions based on documents.

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Did you know?

The Insurance Supervision Directorate is in charge of the prudential supervision and inspection activities of the insurance sector and ensures the solvency of the insurers.


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