The jurisdiction of the Supervisory Autorithy of Insurance and Social Welfare also extends to the mutual sector, and it has prerogatives in terms of its regulation and standardization.
On the regulation of the mutuality sector side, the Authority is competent to decide, jointly with the Ministry of social protection, on applications for approval of the bylaws of mutual insurers and the regulations of their social services and autonomous funds and their modifications. In case of their conformity with the legislative and regulatory provisions, the Authority proposes to the Minister of Finance to approve them by a joint order.

With the contribution of the Ministry of Labor, the Authority participates in the development of legislative and regulatory framework governing the mutual sector.
Mutualist landscape in Morocco
The current mutual landscape consists of 28 mutual insurers and one Union:
- 11 created by the employees of the public sector
- 7 created by the employees of some public institutions
- 10 created by corporate private sector employees and the self-employed
- 1 Union (CNOPS) consists of 7 mutual funds of the public sector and one from the semi-public sector.