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Financial Intelligence Processing Unit (UTRF)

The National Financial Intelligence Authority (ANRF) is the national Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in charge of coordinating the actions of national authorities in the fight against money laundering, terrorist financing and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

ANRF plays a major role in the national anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) system, and its main mission is to contribute to the protection of the transparency of the economy and the integrity of the national financial system.

Reporting to the Head of Government, the ANRF was created by virtue of Article 14 of Law 43-05 on the fight against money laundering, as amended and supplemented by Law 12-18, replacing the Financial Intelligence Processing Unit (UTRF).

The administrative and financial organization of the ANRF is governed by decree no 2.21.633 of August 30, 2021, taken in application of the aforementioned article 14, published in the official bulletin no 7026 of September 30, 2021.

The establishment of the ANRF responds, on the one hand, to an international requirement where the Financial Intelligence Units play an increasingly important role as a national financial information center and as a national AML/CFT coordinator, and aims, on the other hand, to ensure the compliance of the national AML/CFT system with international standards in this area, in particular FATF Recommendation 29.

FSNA's Board is made up of all the law enforcement, supervisory and control authorities involved in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, including the Insurance and Social Security Control Authority (ACAPS)

The ANRF Website

The National Commission for the implementation of the sanctions provided for in the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council on terrorism, arms proliferation and their financing

UNSCOM is the national structure in charge of applying the sanctions set out by the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on terrorism, arms proliferation and their financing.
It was created by virtue of Article 32 of Law n°43-05 relating to the fight against money laundering, as amended and completed in particular by Law 12-18 promulgated by Dahir no 1-21-56 of 27 Chaoual 1442 (June 8, 2021).
Its composition and mode of operation are set by Decree n°2-21-484 published on August 3, 2021 (23 Hijja 1442), amended and completed by Decree n°2.22.27 of March 4, 2022.

The creation of the UNSCOM comes within the framework of Morocco's compliance with the fundamental and strategic commitments stipulated by the international norms in force, requiring States to have effective procedures and mechanisms for the implementation of the Resolutions issued by the UN Security Council and the execution of the related sanctions, in particular those related to terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their financing.

UNSCOM is chaired by the Ministry of Justice and is composed of 17 member institutions, including FSNA, supervisory and control authorities, law enforcement authorities, and security departments.

UNSCOM Website

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