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The supervision of ACAPS covers the technical and prudential aspects of the mutual insurance sector.

The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare exercises a technical and prudential supervision of the mutual insurance companies in accordance with Dahir No. 1-57 -187 of 24 Jumada II 1383 (12 November 1963) on the status of the mutual insurance sector.

The current landscape of the mutual insurance sector consists of 28 mutual insurers and a Union:

  • 11 created by the employees of the public sector
  • 7 created by the employees of some public-sector institutions
  • 5 created into private sector
  • 5 created by self-employed professionals and by other categories
  • 1 Union (CNOPS) consists of 7 mutual insurers of the public sector and 1 under the semi-public sector.

Actors of the mutuality sector

Did you know?

In order to overcome the difficulties and shortcomings of the mutual insurance sector and to put in place the appropriate legal and regulatory tools for its upgrade, a reform of the legal framework governing this sector has been undertaken. This reform led to the drafting of a draft code of the mutual insurance sector.

The draft bill on the Code of the mutual insurance sector is currently before the House of Councilors for a second reading. This draft bill is mainly structured around the following axes:

  • Redefinition of the subject of mutual insurers through the coverage of health risk, the coverage of old age and death risks, risk prevention, assistance and the provision of care to members;
  • Establishment of certain requirements for the creation and continuity of the activity of mutual insurers;
  • Establishment of the rules of management and governance; et non pas Establishment of the rules of management and of governance;
  • Establishment of conditions of good repute and competence, conditions of election and limitation of the number of terms of office for members of administrative and management bodies;
  • Establishment of technical rules and permanent supervision (of the State, internal and external supervision);
  • Separation between the risk management activity and the management of social works activity.

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