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To meet the challenges of the insurance sector and support national and international developments, ACAPS has regulatory powers.

To support the evolution of the insurance sector in Morocco, Law No. 64.12 has given the Authority the power to issue circulars and propose to the Government legislative and regulatory draft texts related to this sector.

The Authority also gives its opinion on any legislative or regulatory drafttext concerning the sectors subjects to its supervision.

ACAPS ensures also a permanent monitoring the international rules and standards in relation with the insurance sector and prepares the corresponding legislative and regulatory texts. The adoption of a new standard takes place after the completion of the impact and feasibility studies. In addition, the Authority carries out a technical and legal monitoring on the evolution of the national regulations likely to have a link or an impact on the insurance sector.

Did you know?

The Insurance Regulation and Standardization Directorate is in charge of defining the standards and regulatory framework applicable to the insurance sector. It is also in charge of the activities related to the organization of the insurance sector..


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