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What is Travel Assistance?

The purpose of the travel assistance contract is to provide the Insured with assistance services during their private or professional travel in case of:

  • the occurrence of an accident or illness of an urgent and unforeseeable nature of the Insured Person;
  • immobilisation of the Insured vehicle following an accident or breakdown or in the event of its theft;
  • death of the Insured Person;
  • loss and/or theft of means of payment and/or identity documents.

The assistance contract can be taken out for any person planning to travel abroad. The geographical scope of the guarantees is specified in the assistance contracts.

In addition, several foreign countries, particularly those in the Schengen area, require a travel assistance contract as part of the administrative formalities for granting a visa.

What does the Travel Assistance Contract Cover?

The travel assistance contract provides, in particular, the following services:

  • Coverage of Hospitalisation Costs Abroad: the Insurer guarantees and covers the costs of hospitalisation abroad following an accident or illness of an urgent and unforeseeable nature, up to the ceiling set in the contract.

  • Subject to the payment of an additional premium set in the contract, the "Hospital Expenses Abroad" benefit can be extended to:

    • chronic diseases;

    • pre-existing diseases;

    • relapses, aggravations or complications of a disease or condition.

  • Repatriation and transport of the body of the deceased Insured Person to Morocco: the Insurer shall organise and pay for:

  • Repatriation and/or transport of the body of the deceased Insured Person from the place of death to the place of burial in Morocco by the most appropriate means of transport.

  • The administrative procedures and formalities for this transport,

  • The coffin, if necessary, of the simplest model allowing for this transport.

  • Sending Spare Parts Abroad: If the Insured vehicle is immobilised following an accident or breakdown and requires spare parts that are essential to restore it to working order and that are not available at the place of immobilisation, the Insurer will organise the search for these parts, advance their purchase cost and pay for their shipping costs.

  • Abandonment of the Insured vehicle abroad: If the Insured vehicle is declared a wreck, the Insurer shall pay the costs of abandoning the vehicle. If the vehicle cannot be abandoned locally for legal or regulatory reasons in the country concerned, the Insurer will pay the costs of abandoning the vehicle and transporting it to another country.

  • Advance Payment of Criminal Bail: If the criminal liability of the Insured Person is sought as a result of a traffic accident occurring abroad and linked to the use of the Insured vehicle, and the Insured Person is required by the authorities of the country in which he/she is located to pay criminal bail, the Insurer shall make an advance payment of this bail up to the amount fixed in the assistance contract.

  • Lawyer's Fees: If the Insured is prosecuted abroad before a court of law for criminal liability following a traffic accident related to the use of the Insured vehicle, the Insurer will pay the fees for the Insured’s defence by a lawyer, up to the ceiling set in the assistance contract.

  • Advance payment in the event of theft or loss of papers and/or means of payment: In the event of loss or theft of means of payment or identity papers abroad of the Insured Person, the Insurer will grant an advance payment up to the amount fixed in the travel assistance contract.

  • Hotel/Accommodation Fees: In the event of loss or theft of means of payment or identity papers abroad of the Insured Person, the Insurer will cover the hotel costs abroad up to the amounts set out in the travel assistance contract.

  • Premature Return of the Insured Person: If the Insured Person abroad has to return to Morocco following the loss or theft of means of payment, the Insurer shall provide him/her with an economy class air ticket or first class train or coach ticket to enable him/her to return to Morocco.

Travel assistance contracts provide for a ceiling for benefits, taking into account the requirements of the destination country for the issue of a visa (e.g. for the Schengen area, the minimum cover is 30,000 euros).

What is the Duration of Coverage Abroad?

Assistance benefits are generally provided for stays of up to 90 consecutive days in the destination countries.

Rights and Obligations of the Insured?

We invite you to refer to the "Insurance Guide" published on the ACAPS portal.

What does the Authority do?

Within the framework of the powers vested in it by Law No. 64-12 establishing the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority, the latter institution ensures that any and all insurance products offered to consumers are understandable, balanced, useful and that they comply with the regulations in force. It also shall monitor the reliability of the information provided to policyholders and ensure the fair treatment of policyholders by Insurers.

Legal/Judicial Remedies in Case of Dispute with Your Insurer?

In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 64-12, the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority has the power to investigate complaints from customers of insurance companies and the intermediaries (brokers) thereof. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you first contact the broker or Insurer against whom your complaint is directed. If the dispute persists after this step, you can contact ACAPS by one of the means at your disposal. The Authority shall then examine your complaint and take the most appropriate action, in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions and within the scope of its powers, to settle the dispute.

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