What is Comprehensive Home Insurance?
The purpose of Multi-Risk or Comprehensive Home Insurance is to cover the building(s) used for residential purposes and the movable property (furniture…) inside against the harmful consequences suffered as a result of an event.
Multi-risk home insurance policies also provide civil liability cover to cover the financial consequences of the civil liability that the policyholder may incur towards the owner, neighbours or third parties, as the case may be.
The current regulations do not require owners and tenants to take out comprehensive home insurance
What does the Comprehensive Home Insurance Policy Cover?
The multi-risk home insurance contract guarantees in particular:
Under the "Damage to Real and Personal Property" cover :
"Fire and related risks" cover :
damage caused to policyholder property following the occurrence of the events indicated in the contract, including :
fire: damage caused by conflagration, flashover or simple combustion;
explosion and/or implosion: implosions, explosions of gases used for heating, lighting or power, or similar explosives, as well as explosions and water blasts from steam appliances;
the fall of lightning;
smoke due to a sudden, abnormal and defective action of a heating appliance or originating from a fire outside the policyholder buildings;
For an additional premium, the "Fire and Related Risks" cover can be extended to include the following:
Riot and civil commotion: Material damage resulting from fire and/or explosion caused directly to policyholder property by persons taking part in riots or civil commotion is covered.
Holiday/Leisure: damage to the policyholder's movable property taken on a trip or private journey is covered.
"Water Damage or Frost Damage" cover :
damage to policyholder property caused by the events listed in the contract is covered, including:
Leakages, breaks, overflows and seepage of water from the supply, distribution or discharge of rainwater, domestic water and waste water serving the policyholder building, water-operated appliances including washing machines (clothes or dishes), central heating installations, water or steam heating systems, sprinkler systems, accidental seepage through roofs, including terraces and skylights, caused by rain, snow or hail, sewer back-up not caused by weather conditions...
Freezing of fixed water, steam or heating appliances or pipes that are not underground.
For an additional premium, the "Water Damage or Frost" cover can be extended to include the following guarantees :
the costs of searching for leakages which are the cause of an policyholder loss and the restoration of property damaged by the detection work;
the cost of repairing pipes, ducts, installations and water-effect equipment damaged by frost, provided that they are located inside buildings.
"Glass Breakage" cover :
the repair or replacement of the objects listed in the contract (doors, windows and glass partitions, door and window glazing, interior glass walls and doors, fixed glass and mirrors, etc.), including transport and installation costs, following their accidental breakage.
For an additional premium, the "Glass Breakage" cover can be extended to include the following cover :
Riot and civil commotion: Damage caused directly to the policyholder property by persons taking part in riots or civil commotion is covered.
"Theft" cover: damage to the policyholder property is covered when this damage results from its disappearance, destruction or deterioration following a theft or attempted theft committed inside the building by the events specified in the contract (for example: breaking and entering, climbing or use of false keys, clandestine entry duly established, violence with murder or attempted murder, etc.).
Under the "Civil Liability" cover :
"Liability to Neighbours and Third Parties" cover: When the policyholder is an owner, co-owner, tenant or occupier, the financial consequences of the civil liability that he may incur towards neighbours and third parties by virtue of articles 78, 85, 86, 88 and 89 of the Dahir forming the code of obligations and contracts due to material damage resulting from one of the events covered under one of the "Fire or Related Risks" or "Water Damage and Frost" covers and occurring in the policyholder building are covered.
Tenant's or Occupier's Liability Towards the Owner and the Co-Tenants" cover: When the policyholder is a tenant or occupier, the financial consequences of the civil liability he/she may incur towards the owner by virtue of articles 675 and 678 of the Dahir forming the code of obligations and contracts and towards the co-tenants are covered, due to material damage resulting from one of the events covered under one of the "Fire or Related Risks" or "Water Damage and Frost" covers and occurring in the policyholder building.
"Owner's Liability Towards Tenants" cover: When the policyholder is an owner, the financial consequences of the civil liability that he may incur towards the tenant due to material damage resulting from one of the events covered under one of the "Fire or Related Risks" or "Water Damage and Frost" covers or due to a construction defect or a lack of maintenance of the said building are covered.
"Private Life Liability" cover: the financial consequences of the civil liability that the policyholder may incur, by virtue of articles 78, 85, 86, 88 and 89 of the Dahir forming the code of obligations and contracts, due to bodily injury, material damage and consequential damage resulting from material damage and/or bodily injury caused to third parties as a result of events attributable to their private life, including on the journey between their (his/her) home and their place of work, are covered.
Under Article 64-1 of the Insurance Code, comprehensive home insurance contracts include mandatory coverage against the consequences of catastrophic events. We invite you to consult the guide "Coverage Against the Consequences of Catastrophic Events (CAT EV) – Insurance Component" published on the ACAPS portal.
Rights and Obligations of the policyholder ?
We invite you to refer to the "Insurance Guide" published on the ACAPS portal.
What does the Authority do?
Within the framework of the powers vested in it by Law No. 64-12 establishing the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority, the latter institution ensures that any and all insurance products offered to consumers are understandable, balanced, useful and that they comply with the regulations in force. It also shall monitor the reliability of the information provided to policyholders and ensure the fair treatment of policyholders by Insurers.
Legal/Judicial Remedies in Case of Dispute with Your Insurer?
In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 64-12, the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority has the power to investigate complaints from customers of insurance companies and the intermediaries (brokers) thereof. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you first contact the broker or Insurer against whom your complaint is directed. If the dispute persists after this step, you can contact ACAPS by one of the means at your disposal. The Authority shall then examine your complaint and take the most appropriate action, in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions and within the scope of its powers, to settle the dispute.