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What is Car Assistance?

The automobile assistance contract, also known as "technical assistance", guarantees assistance services, in Morocco or abroad, in the event of immobilisation of the policyholder's vehicle following an accident or an urgent and unforeseeable breakdown in the event of its theft.

The car assistance contract may be taken out by any owner of the motor vehicle with one of the insurance companies authorised to provide assistance operations.

Practically speaking, insurance undertakings/firms authorised to carry out car insurance operations generally take out assistance contracts on behalf of their policyholders (who have taken out a motor insurance contract with them), which include certain benefits and within the limits agreed between the two insurance undertakings.

What Does the Car Assistance Contract Cover?

The car assistance contract guarantees the following services in particular:

  • Civil protection alert in the event of a traffic accident: the assistance agent quickly informs the civil protection or any other emergency aid organisation (road safety, police, gendarmerie, fire brigade or others) so that an ambulance can be dispatched to the scene of the accident.
  • Assistance in drawing up an amicable report: the assistance agent puts the driver of the policyholder's vehicle in contact with the competent authorities, provides the amicable report document at the scene of the accident and helps the policyholder driver to complete the amicable report document by telephone or at the scene of the accident.
  • On-site breakdown service in urban areas: the assistance provider sends a service provider to intervene on site to repair the policyholder's vehicle in the event of one of the events listed in the contract (e.g.: running out of fuel, flat tyre, flat battery or keys left inside the vehicle, etc.).
  • Towing: the assistance provider organises and pays for the towing of the policyholder's vehicle from the scene of the accident to the nearest garage.
  • Sending of spare parts: If the immobilised policyholder's vehicle requires spare parts that are essential for its return to working order and that are not available at the place of immobilisation, the assistance provider organises the search for these parts, advances the cost of their purchase and pays for their delivery.

Replacement vehicle: the assistance provider organises and pays for the provision of a replacement vehicle.

Rights and Obligations of the policyholder ?

We invite you to refer to the "Insurance Guide" published on the ACAPS portal.

What does the Authority do?

Within the framework of the powers vested in it by Law No. 64-12 establishing the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority, the latter institution ensures that any and all insurance products offered to consumers are understandable, balanced, useful and that they comply with the regulations in force. It also shall monitor the reliability of the information provided to policyholders and ensure the fair treatment of policyholders by Insurers.

Legal/Judicial Remedies in Case of Dispute with Your Insurer?

In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 64-12, the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority has the power to investigate complaints from customers of insurance companies and the intermediaries (brokers) thereof. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you first contact the broker or Insurer against whom your complaint is directed. If the dispute persists after this step, you can contact ACAPS by one of the means at your disposal. The Authority shall then examine your complaint and take the most appropriate action, in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions and within the scope of its powers, to settle the dispute.

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