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What is School Assistance?

The purpose of the School Assistance contract is to provide assistance for pupils and students following an accident or illness of an urgent and unforeseeable nature, in particular when they are inside the school or during the time when they are under its effective supervision.

What Does the School Assistance Contract Cover ?

The School Assistance contract includes, in particular, the following benefits:

  • Medical Transport and Return Home after Hospitalisation: the Insurer shall organise and pay for the medical transport of the Insured student to the hospital unit and their (his/her) return home after hospitalisation.

  • Advance payment for admission to a hospital unit: if the policyholder's admission to a hospital unit is subject to an advance payment, the Insurer will pay it up to the amount set out in the contract. An acknowledgement of debt for the amount of the advance must be drawn up by the student or their (his/her) family.

  • Transport of the body of the deceased policyholder student: the Insurer organises and pays for the transport of the body of the Insured student from the place of death to the place of burial.

Rights and Obligations of the Insured?

We invite you to refer to the "Insurance Guide" published on the ACAPS portal.

What does the Authority do?

Within the framework of the powers vested in it by Law No. 64-12 establishing the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority, the latter institution ensures that any and all insurance products offered to consumers are understandable, balanced, useful and that they comply with the regulations in force. It also shall monitor the reliability of the information provided to policyholders and ensure the fair treatment of policyholders by Insurers.

Legal/Judicial Remedies in Case of Dispute with Your Insurer ?

In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 64-12, the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority has the power to investigate complaints from customers of insurance companies and the intermediaries (brokers) thereof. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you first contact the broker or Insurer against whom your complaint is directed. If the dispute persists after this step, you can contact ACAPS by one of the means at your disposal. The Authority shall then examine your complaint and take the most appropriate action, in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions and within the scope of its powers, to settle the dispute.

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