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What is mandatory health insurance (AMO)?

Mandatory health insurance (AMO), governed by law no. 65-00, provides basic health coverage, ensuring citizens access to healthcare. It covers full or partial reimbursement of medical expenses related to illness, maternity, and accidents, excluding workplace accidents. 

This system is based on the mutualization of healthcare expenses, ensuring a collective and solidarity-based management approach.
AMO operates through two key mechanisms :

  • A contributory system: insured individuals contribute based on their income. These contributions, along with employer contributions for salaried workers, are collected by AMO’s managing bodies to fund healthcare services for all beneficiaries.
  • A solidarity system: the state partially or fully covers contributions for individuals unable to pay their AMO premiums.

Who is covered by AMO?

The following are automatically affiliated as employers under AMO :

  • Government administrations, local authorities, public institutions, and public legal entities
  • Employers affiliated with the national social security fund (cnss) for social security benefits
  • Pension organizations managing retirement schemes
  • Professionals, self-employed workers, and individuals engaged in liberal professions

Who must be covered under public-sector AMO (managed by cnops) ?

You are required to have public-sector AMO if you belong to one of the following categories :

  • Government employees, including civil servants, temporary, occasional, daily, and contractual employees, magistrates, auxiliary forces personnel, administrative staff of the ministry of interior, as well as employees of local authorities, public institutions, and public legal entitie
  • Pensioners, including recipients of retirement, old-age, disability, or survivor pensions, granted under civil and military pension schemes, the collective retirement allowance scheme (rcar), and other special social security pension schemes
  • Students in public and private education

Who must be covered under private-sector AMO (managed by cnss) ?

You are required to have private-sector AMO if you belong to one of the following categories :

  • Employees and retirees covered by the cnss social security scheme
  • Professionals, self-employed workers, and individuals in liberal professions
  • Individuals unable to pay AMO contributions, registered under rsu, and identified as financially vulnerable based on the social support targeting system
  • Individuals capable of paying AMO contributions but who do not have a paid or unpaid occupation, registered under rsu, and identified as financially capable by the social support targeting system

Who else is covered by AMO ?

In addition to the insured person, AMO also covers dependents, including :

  • Spouse(s)
  • Dependent children up to 21 years old
  • Unmarried dependent children up to 26 years old if pursuing higher education
  • Disabled dependent children, with no age limit

What services are covered by AMO ?

AMO does not cover the following services :

  • Cosmetic surgery, thermal treatments, acupuncture, mesotherapy, thalassotherapy, homeopathy, and alternative medicine
  • Medical care related to workplace accidents and occupational diseases

What are the AMO contribution rates ?

Public sector :

  • Active employees: 5% of total salary, shared equally with the employer
  • Pensioners: 2.5% of total pension income
  • Minimum monthly contribution: 70 mad per share
  • Maximum monthly contribution: 400 mad per share

Private sector :

  • Active employees: 4.52% of total salary, shared equally with the employer. Employers pay an additional 1.85%
  • Pensioners: 4.52% of total pension income
  • Fishermen: 1.36% of fish sales from trawlers, 1.70% for sardines and longline fishing

Liberal professions & self-employed workers (AMO-tns) :

  • Contributions are based on a flat-rate income determined by the applicable category or sub-category, as specified by decree
  • Contributions are mandatory for individuals under the unified professional contribution (cpu) scheme or the auto-entrepreneur scheme, based on additional rights set by the general tax code (article 73-ii-b-6)

AMO-TADAMON scheme :

  • The state fully covers AMO contributions (based on the cnss AMO rate and a minimum wage reference)
  • The state also covers part of out-of-pocket medical expenses for services provided in public healthcare facilities

AMO-achamil scheme :

  • Monthly contributions vary based on the rsu score assigned during registration
  • Contributions range from 144 mad to 1164 mad, payable monthly from the first due month

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