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Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) organizes the 1st national workshop of the Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab

In collaboration with the Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare (ACAPS), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) is organising in Rabat (Morocco), on 04 and 05 March 2020, the first national workshop of the Inclusive Insurance Innovation Laboratory (The Inclusive Insurance Innovation LAB) deployed by A2ii at the international level and in which Morocco is taking part alongside Argentina, India and Rwanda.

The LAB is an innovation and leadership project that aims to encourage teams of multi-stakeholders to propose and develop innovative solutions to strengthen the development of inclusive insurance.

Morocco is represented in the LAB by a multi-disciplinary team made up of ACAPS and various actors involved in the insurance sector. 

The first national workshop aims at starting the first reflections, taking stock of the issue of inclusive insurance in Morocco and defining the future action plan.

A2II :

A2ii's mission is to encourage and support supervisors by strengthening their capacities and understanding in order to facilitate the promotion of inclusive and responsible insurance, thus reducing vulnerability.

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