Mr. Othman Khalil El Alamy, PI President of the Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare (ACAPS) received on Wednesday, January 25, the Secretary General of the Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (CIMA), Mr. Blaise Abel Ezo'o Engolo.
During this meeting, Mr. Elalamy and Mr. Ezo'o Engolo discussed the various issues and challenges that mark the African markets. They also shared the various opportunities for cooperation that the two supervisors can put in place to strengthen their cooperation frameworks.
It should be noted that ACAPS and CIMA signed an exchange protocol in April 2015.
About CIMA:
CIMA is the Supranational Insurance Industry Authority of the fourteen (14) African member states of the Franc zone, created by the treaty instituting an integrated organization of the insurance industry in African states, signed on July 10, 1992.