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The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare (ACAPS) has been certified ISO 37001/2016, confirming its commitment to the fight against corruption.

This certification rewards the Authority's ongoing efforts to comply with the requirements of the best international standards in the fight against corruption, with a view to reinforcing the measures taken since the signing of the cooperation agreement for the prevention and fight against corruption in 2019, with the Instance Nationale de la Probité, de la Prévention et de la Lutte contre la Corruption (INPPLC) and the two financial sector supervisory authorities, Bank Al Maghrib (BAM) and the Autorité Marocaine du Marché des Capitaux (AMMC).

The ISO 37001 (Version 2016) standard defines the requirements and provides recommendations for setting up, monitoring and improving an anti-corruption management system. Obtaining certification reaffirms ACAPS' commitment to contributing to national efforts in this area and promotes a culture of ethics in the face of potentially risky ethical situations.

It should be noted that since its creation in 2016, the Authority has ensured that it has sound internal governance and promotes high standards of professional integrity, which are necessary for its supervisory activities and the performance of its control duties.

This ethical commitment is formalised by a set of principles transcribed in its founding law (No. 64-12), which came into force on 16th April 2016, and by a set of reference texts enabling it to build a solid ethical framework.

The ACAPS anti-corruption management system is designed to enhance ethical standards through components such as an anti-corruption policy, an ethics alert system, a conflict of interest management system, and an internal audit charter.

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