The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare held its 33rd Council meeting on Tuesday 1 October 2024, chaired by Mr Abderrahim Chaffai.
The meeting was marked by the installation of three new members appointed by decree of the Head of Government.
Chosen for their expertise in fields related to the insurance and social welfare sector, the newly appointed members for a four-year term of office, renewable once in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of law n°64-12 creating ACAPS, are :
- Mrs Saloua Karkri ;
- Mr Mohamed Agoumi
- Mr Lahbib El Idrissi Lalami.
In addition to these three new independent members, the Board includes its Chairman, Abderrahim Chaffai, the Chairwoman of the Moroccan Capital Market Authority, Nezha Hayat, the Director of the Treasury and External Finance at the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, Fouzia Zaaboul, and Imane El Malki, a member of the Court of Cassation.
The Council of ACAPS determines the general policy of the Authority and deliberates on the main strategic, organisational and financial orientations of the Authority. In particular, it decides on the approval of licences for insurance and reinsurance undertakings, on the approval of the articles of association of social security undertakings, and on sanctions in the event of failure to comply with the regulatory obligations applicable to the undertakings subject to its supervision.