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In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 17-99 on the Insurance Code and the regulations adopted for its application, a professional examination will be organized from 13 February 2018 for the benefit of persons wishing to exercise the profession of insurance intermediary and who fulfill the following conditions:

to be of Moroccan nationality;

hold a license issued by a national university or a diploma recognized as equivalent by the administration;

Have completed a training period for a minimum continuous period of six (6) months or have at least two (2) years of professional experience with an insurance and reinsurance company or The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare (ACAPS).

The application is addressed to the President of ACAPS directly by the "candidate broker" or by the insurance and reinsurance company for his/her "candidate agent", and must be accompanied by the following documents:

a copy of the valid national identity card;

two passport photos;

a birth certificate less than three months old (for non-holders of the national electronic identity card);

an extract from the anthropometric chart less than three months old;

a legalized copy of the degree issued by a national university or a recognized equivalent diploma accompanied by a copy of the statement published in the Official Journal pronouncing the equivalence;

a certificate justifying the training course or the professional experience, conforming to the models found on the ACAPS website:

a form filled out by the candidate, conforming to the model found on the ACAPS website:

The professional examination begins with a multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ). Only the candidates admitted to this event will be evaluated by a jury on:

All insurance operations except credit-surety and reinsurance transactions. However, applicants wishing to be evaluated on these two last operations must specify this in their application;

The presentation of a business plan containing a market study showing, for the first two (2) fiscal years, the revenue and expenditure forecasts of the firm to be opened.

The application form must be submitted to the following address: Insurance and Social Welfare Supervisory Authority, Al Araar Avenue, Hay Ryad Rabat, from 18 September 2017 and no later than 29 December 2017 at 4 pm.


The date, time, place of examination and number of the candidate will be posted at the ACAPS headquarters reception and published on its website and that of the Moroccan Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies FMSAR The aforementioned posting and publication will be considered as a notice to pass this examination. No follow-up will be given to any file sent by post or not including all of the aforementioned documents, in the conditions, forms and time limit set above.

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