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The Supervisory Authority for Insurance and Social Welfare "ACAPS" held on Thursday, April 14, 2016, its first Board under the chairmanship of Mr. Hassan BOUBRIK.

The ACAPS Board is composed, in addition to its President, of:

Mrs. Nezha HAYAT: President of the Moroccan Authority of the Capital Market;

Ms. Faouzia ZAABOUL: Director of the Treasury and External Finance;

Mr. Abderrahmane El MESBAHI: President of the Commercial chamber of the Court of Cassation;

Members appointed intuitu personae by decree of the Head of Government:

o Mr. Mohamed Bachir RACHDI

o Mr. Abdelaziz TALBI

o Mr. Ahmed ZINOUN

At its first meeting, the Board approved its rules of procedure and appointed members of the Regulatory Commission and the Disciplinary Committee, thus completing the governance arrangements of The Supervisory Authority for Insurance and Social Welfare.

The Board of the Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare "ACAPS" proceeded, at its first meeting held on Thursday, April 14, 2016, to the appointments of the members of the regulatory commission and the Disciplinary Committee of the Authority as follows:

Disciplinary Committee

Vice-Chairman, Independent Member of the Board: Mr Ahmed ZINOUN

Member of ACAPS staff: Mrs Afifa AL HOUARI

Independent Member outside the Board: Mr Hamid BESRI

Representative of insurance companies: Mr. Mehdi TAZI, CEO SAHAM

Substitute: Mr. El Mostafa KHRISS, Deputy General Manager AXA

Representative of insurance intermediaries: Mr Ali BENJELLOUN

Substitute: Mr Youssef BOUNOUAL

Retirement Representative: Mr. Director of CMR

Alternate: Mr. Director of RCAR

Representative of mutual societies: Mr. Chairman of MGEN

Substitute: The President of the CMIM

Regulatory Commission

Representatives of ACAPS:


Mr Mimoun ZBAYAR

Representatives of insurance companies:

Mr Ali HARRAJ, CEO of Wafassurances


Representatives of insurance intermediaries:

Mr. Khalid AOUZAL, President FNACAM

Mr. Jamal DIWANY, President UMAC

On the proposal of the President, the Board has appointed to the positions of Directors:

Mr. Othman Khalil EL ALAMY;

  • Ms. Afifa ALHOUARI;
  • Mr Lotfi BOUJENDAR;

On the decision of the President, Mr. EL ALAMY also acts as Acting Secretary General of ACAPS and, in this capacity, chairs the Regulatory Commission.

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